How will the workforce adapt?

Nov 30, 2020



Technology and skill requirement has changed at a very rapid pace due to the global crisis. The jobs and skills that seemed super important might not be relevant in the next 5 or 10 years. Most complex workplaces have already employed robots and automation technology that not only assists human wor ...

9 of the most secure jobs in America

Nov 30, 2020



Job security has been a cause of concern for millions of people specially when we are living in a time when people are being laid off quite rampantly because of the global crisis. Some professions have emerged from the pandemic to be even more in demand than they were before. Unsurprisingly, many o ...

It could take 4 years to recover the 22 million jobs lost

Nov 30, 2020



While the overall market trend has been heading in the right direction, there is a cause of concern. According to Moody, the resurge in the cases could push 1.3 million people into unemployment. This could make things worse and could take 4 years to recover these job losses. To read more on this, c ...

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