US weekly jobless claims increase

Dec 17, 2020



The total number of fresh cases is rising across America for the last few weeks. With the holiday season around and people traveling around, things could get worse. With this in mind, a lot of people are cautious about their businesses and do not want to risk things. There has been an increase in j ...

Income declines in these 20 cities

Dec 17, 2020



While the average per capita income in America has more than doubled in the last 60 years, the increase is not consistent across all cities of the United States. There has been a decline in incomes in these 20 cities. The average per capita income in 1959 was about $15,000 and that in 2019 was $35, ...

Coca-Cola To Cut 2,200 Jobs

Dec 17, 2020



The Atlanta-based beverage giant will be cutting 2,200 jobs globally out of which 1,200 are from the United States. It will be done as a part of a major reorganization aimed at growing business. Out of the 1,200 jobs, 500 jobs will be cut from Atlanta alone. Coca-Cola's third-quarter net revenues d ...

US Unemployment Claims Rise to 885,000

Dec 17, 2020



The rise in the daily cases has put people in the United States in a very challenging situation once again. With restrictions looming over people's heads and the uncertainty of how things would pan out in the coming days, the layoffs have started going up once again. In the week ending Dec 12, the ...

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Are 4 day work weeks the future?

Robert Owen, a Welsh textile mill owner, social reformer, and labor activist came up with a slogan ...

Millennials Care About These 8 Things at Their Workplace - Are Your Offering Those?

Millennials are considered to be social people, who live by the ‘work hard play hard’ mantra and ar ...

Tips for Staffing Agencies to Create a Competitive Advantage

Today, it is a $174 Billion industry and one of the leading B2B businesses in the US. Whenever HR p ...

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