Opportunities at Amazon

Jul 21, 2020



It's been a year of transformation and a test of adaptability and agility for Amazon as the rapidly changing environment in terms of norms and safety measures in light of the pandemic has created a spike in the jobs offered by Amazon. Read about the 25 tech jobs that Amazon is hiring for, and the d ...

Why interpersonal intelligence is vital, now more than ever

Jul 21, 2020



Interpersonal intelligence refers to a person's ability to work in a team, communicate efficacy, be socially assertive and empathic at the same time. It's the quality that drives superior negotiation and problem-solving, and for these reasons is one of the most sought-after skills considering the n ...

Finding the best tech jobs

Jul 21, 2020



If you're a specialist in software engineering, augmented reality or virtual reality, you're in luck because there are thousands of new jobs being added to these industries. The US is expected to add 300,000 new software and developer jobs over the next 10 years. There are also IT skills which will ...

5 ways to develop your emotional intelligence

Jul 21, 2020



In these testing times where people are insecure and on edge, emotional intelligence is one of the most sought after soft skills in the present job market. Having a grasp on your emotional intelligence will benefit your own mental health, relationships and career as well. Take a look at this articl ...

Google certifications > college degree

Jul 21, 2020



In an attempt to level out the playing field for job seekers in a strained job market, privileged college degree holders will not have the upper hand anymore as skills and experience are taking the driver's seat in this job market. Google recently announced that they are expanding their skills cert ...

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How to Avoid Burnout in 2022

Whatever your work setting may be, it’s important to stay productive while you don’t burn out. Here ...

How you can pay off student debt while you work

Student loan debt is a crisis that has been making its way through The United States for quite some ...

The Unionization Wave

From the peak of the pandemic in 2020 through the Great Resignation wave, unionization has been a ...

Millennials Care About These 8 Things at Their Workplace - Are Your Offering Those?

Millennials are considered to be social people, who live by the ‘work hard play hard’ mantra and ar ...

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