Google certifications > college degree
In an attempt to level out the playing field for job seekers in a strained job market, privileged college degree holders will not have the upper hand anymore as skills and experience are taking the driver's seat in this job market. Google recently announced that they are expanding their skills certification program to enable more people without college degrees to land high-paying tech jobs based on their abilities and skill set. Read more about the Grow With Google Career Certificates here.
Executive Compensation
Organizational &
Fiduciary Duty
Substance Abuse
Unemployment Benefits
Employee Conduct
Sexual Orientation
Workplace Wellness
Benefits Reporting & Disclosure
Employee Data Privacy
Analytical Aptitude
Overtime Pay
Business Acumen
Overtime Eligibility &
Employee Engagement
Workplance Violence
Contemporary Issues
Open Enrollment
Risk Management
Career Development
Employee Handbooks
Religious Accomodations
Gender Identity
Change Management
Social Media
Time Worked
Employment Offers
Data Security
Leadership &
Ethical Practice
Artificial Intelligence
Educational Assistance
Health Savings Accounts
Workplace Culture
Family & Medical Leave
Wellness Benefits
Leadership Development
Intellectual Property
Workplace Harassment
Records & Reports
Labor Relations
Leave Management
Business Continuity
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