How critical thinking can help your work
Amidst all the soft skills which are suddenly in demand due to the coronavirus outbreak, critical thinking maybe the most important. It requires carefully analyzing, processing and making sense of information. While it is often taught as part of a philosophy course (and is based on the work of Plat ...
The tech skills in demand amidst the coronavirus
Tech experts have proven to be resilient to the effects of the virus as certain tech jobs and skills continue to be in high demand, despite the virus. What's more, is that these roles are expected to thrive even in a post-coronavirus world. From Linux to Oracle and Docker software, take a look at s ...
The job skills to hone for surviving a post-pandemic world
The job market in a post-pandemic world will not be as rosy as one may think. Analysts and economists have predicted that it could be as long as 10 years for things to achieve some level of normalcy. With a recession around the corner, these 8 job skills could drastically increase your value in the ...
5 new job skills ushered in by the pandemic
While we are all aware of the terrible effects of the coronavirus on business, let us focus on the opportunities it has opened up, especially in the tech space. The crisis is spurring a digital transformation like no other, and the acceleration of this transformation has created a new breed of new- ...
Job Applications &
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Tips for Staffing Agencies to Create a Competitive Advantage
Today, it is a $174 Billion industry and one of the leading B2B businesses in the US. Whenever HR p ...
Tips to Write Job Descriptions That Will Attract the Best Candidates
Just as the candidates need the right jobs to secure their future, the companies also need the righ ...
Top paying Careers in 2021
The economy may be taking its time with recovery, but hiring and job hunting are at an all-time hig ...
What Why and How of Background Checks A Useful Guide for Staffing Agencies
Background checks are one of the pre-employment requisites to prevent bad hires. About 96% of emplo ...