Teacher shortages worsened by covid 19

Teacher shortages worsened by covid 19

Nov 15, 2021



Classes have been canceled for thousands of students across the country as the teacher shortage gets worse due to the coronavirus pandemic. Public schools have struggled with this shortage of teachers for years but the pandemic has now made the situation worse. The stress of teaching and handling students during the pandemic has led many teachers to resign or retire. Overall in the US, workers have been quitting jobs in record numbers and it has been the same in the education sector. According to the Labor Department, 30,000 public school teachers gave notice in September alone. 

Many say that the decision for schools to close stems from a lack of staff and others say overworked educators and students are sorely in need of some downtime after a year of upheaval. Due to staffing shortages in Colorado, three public schools in Denver switched to remote learning recently. Meanwhile, another three districts in the metro area canceled classes altogether on November 12 because they were unable to find enough substitute teachers. Denver Public School District told CBS4. "We are doing everything in our power to keep our schools open and to maximize in-person learning opportunities for our students. At the same time, we are facing a critical staffing shortage, like districts across the country, that impacts our ability to safely operate our schools."

Source: CBS News 

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