Pinterest faces accusations of not paying female co-creator

Pinterest faces accusations of not paying female co-creator

Sep 14, 2021



Ms. Christine Martinez, who worked alongside the founders of Pinterest during its initial days has filed a lawsuit in Alameda County Superior Court accusing Ben Silbermann and Paul Sciarra two of Pinterest's co-founders of breach of implied contract.  She has also accused two of the three founders of idea theft, and unfair business practices. Christine created Pinterest alongside the two co-founders and contributed to 'core organizing concepts' according to the lawsuit. She was never formally employed by Pinterest and she never asked for a contract. She was not offered stocks although she said the founders had verbally agreed to compensate her many times.

She argued that the founders had an implied verbal contract with her and even named a section of its source code after her. A Pinterest spokesperson commented that Martinez's accusations were without merit and the company would defend itself in court. The allegations raise questions about Pinterest's policies towards women and minority workers. 

Source: The New York Times

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