Why Black Americans May Face a Slower Recovery from the Recession

Dec 03, 2020



This year has been one of the most unpredictable years we have seen in recent years. With so many job losses and everything going in a way, no one had anticipated. The October numbers show a steady rise in hiring but things were not as good in a few areas in November. However, amidst all this, ther ...

Jobs losses for women

Dec 02, 2020



The global pandemic induced lockdown and restrictions have thousands of companies out of business and have also caused millions of job losses. People from all strata of society have been going through some challenges. However, marginalized folks and women have had to face the brunt even more than o ...

Impact of COVID on black women.

Oct 26, 2020



People from all walks of life were working on creating beautiful products and offering different services, that were thriving before a global crisis hit the world. A lot of small businesses that were thriving before, had to shut shop, or were seriously impacted. It is no exaggeration to say that th ...

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