United Airlines set to fire 600 unvaccinated employees

United Airlines set to fire 600 unvaccinated employees

Sep 30, 2021



As the economy moves through a bumpy and slow recovery, United Airlines announced that it would terminate about 600 employees who have not complied with their vaccination requirements. The airline has also announced that 99% of their US workforce of 67,000 employees have been vaccinated- a sign that vaccine mandates are in fact an effective method to get employees vaccinated. More companies have announced vaccine requirements as the government pushes new policies. Earlier this month, President Biden's mandate required all businesses with more than 100 employees to be fully vaccinated or to face weekly testing. 

Many other companies have been providing extensions and incentives to make sure all employees receive the vaccination and some have made it compulsory as a condition of work. A spokesperson for United Airlines confirmed on Wednesday that the company has already begun the process of termination of 593 US-based employees who refused to get the vaccination. She added that the company would work with the employees if they decide to get vaccinated during the process. United Airlines has not given a timeline for the termination process or a breakdown of the job categories from which workers are being fired. The company has however said that unvaccinated workers can request exemptions based on religious or medical reasons if any. 

Source: The New York Times 

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