Employers raise wages: retail workers still make less than $15 an hour

Employers raise wages: retail workers still make less than $15 an hour

Apr 22, 2022



Thousands of workers in foodservice, hospitality and retail still make less than $15 an hour. This includes the majority of workers in big-box stores and discount retailers. This low wage stands in contrast to employers who rake in vast amounts of profit. The new findings are from the Economic Policy Institute survey. 

The survey gathered data about hourly wages from employees at 60 companies including Dollar General, McDonald's, Starbucks and Walmart. EPI analyzed this data and found out that 89% of McDonald's workers make below $15 while 92% of Dollar General workers also make below $15. The data suggests that states should increase their minimum wages. 

EPI said in a statement, "Low wages are a defining feature of the U.S. labor market and the service sector in particular. Low pay is not limited to mom-and-pop stores — it is also widespread in big box stores, restaurants and grocery stores that often have high CEO pay and revenue." According to the survey, nearly 63% of Starbucks workers earn less than $15 an hour and at Walmart, 51% of workers also make below $15 an hour. The survey drew more than 20,000 responses and also notes companies where a majority of workers earn less than $15 an hour including Amazon, Costco and UPS. 

Source: CBS News 

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