AG investigates NFL's treatment of female employees

AG investigates NFL's treatment of female employees

Apr 07, 2022



Attorney Generals of six states including New York have told the NFL that they have "grave concerns" regarding allegations of workplace harassment faced by women and minorities. The league has been warned that if they do not take proactive steps towards fixing the issue, they will have to adhere to further investigations.

Earlier, a report was published in The New York Times in which river 30 former employees described experiencing the demoralizing culture. Allegations include female staff members being forced to watch a video of former running back Ray Rice knocking unconscious his fiance, being asked to publically declare if they've been victims of sexual violence, and being marginalized or punched out of their jobs if they questioned the NFL's handling of sexual harassment claims. New York Attorney General Letitia James and AGs from other states have asked victims, witnesses, and former employees to come forward and file a case with her office. Joining New York are Illinois, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington State. The NFL has however denied all the allegations levied against them. 

A letter written by the attorney's general reads "all this is entirely unacceptable and potentially unlawful." they also said that they would use the "full weight of our authority to investigate and prosecute allegations of harassment, discrimination or retaliation by employers throughout our states, including the National Football League." The NFL is currently facing a Congressional inquiry. 

Source: The New York Times

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