JPMorgan Chase faces lawsuit
Gwendolyn Campbell, 53, a financial advisor at JPMorgan Chase is suing the banging giant alleging that the executives violated federal employment laws by discriminating against her because she is a woman.
In her lawsuit, Campbell's lawyers said that JPMorgan is creating a difficult working environment, accusing management of allowing male financial advisors at the company to "steal" her clients, excluding her from key meetings, and belittling her in front of colleagues. Campbell joined JPMorgan in October 2020 after working for companies like Goldman Sachs, UBS, and Merrill Lynch. Giving a full account of her ordeal, Campbell wrote "I was targeted because of my gender even before my first day," "I learned from my colleague that my soon-to-be manager openly disparaged me by telling colleagues that he preferred to hire a male financial advisor, but was told 'he had to hire a woman'. This statement robbed me of credibility and diminished my 30 years of accomplishments before I even walked through the door." Campbell also recalled how some male colleagues have poached her clients by offering large loans on flexible terms.
Campbell's lawsuit states that losing those clients "has deprived Campbell of literally millions of dollars of compensation as a result of having client transactions poached by other divisions of the bank."
Campbell's lawyers have filed a suit with California's Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). JPMorgan Chase is the biggest US Bank with nearly $3 trillion in assets.
Source: CBS News
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