The industry that's taking the worst beating

The industry that's taking the worst beating

If you have been following updates on the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications on the US job market, you would know that there has been not a shred of good news to report. Job cuts have been in the tune of millions, but one sector suffers more than others. According to BLS, the job losses for April stood at 20.5 million, out of which 1.3 million were from manufacturing, 2.1 million in retail and 2.5 million in education and health services. But the hardest hit of all was the leisure and hospitality industry with a whopping 7.7 million job losses. While a 217k was the number of jobs cut in the leisure and spectator sports industry, 5.5 million were cut in food services alone. Read the whole article for deeper insights. 

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