Afghan Special Immigrant Visa

Afghan Special Immigrant Visa

New light is being shed on the Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) as the Biden Administration pledges to assist Afghans who worked for or on behalf of the US Government. This provision comes under the Special Immigrant Visa which has been in existence since 2009. The current fall of the Afghan Government and massive migration as a result of this has brought SIV under the microscope. 

SIV program is meant to pave the way to the US for Afghans who were employed for or on behalf of the US government. An applicant must follow a 
series of lengthy steps to apply for the same. This includes meeting certain employment qualifications, providing supporting documents, proof of employment, letter of recommendation, and Afghan nationality. The major area of concern pertaining to SIV applicants now is how they are being vetted. With more and more people fleeing Afghanistan, US security is questioned. Therefore the government is using multiple methods such as biometric testing to ensure the identity of those under the purview of SIV. 

Source: CNN

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