Memphis Starbucks fires workers after efforts to unionize

Memphis Starbucks fires workers after efforts to unionize

Starbucks fired seven employees in Memphis on Tuesday. The employees who were fired were seeking to unionize their store, one of several dozen nationwide where workers have filed for union elections. Ac spokesperson for Starbucks said that the employees had violated the company's safety and security policies. The union seeking to organize the store accused Starbucks of retaliating against the workers for their labor activities. In part, the firings relate to an interview that the workers conducted at the store with a local media outlet. 

Reggie Borges, a company spokesperson said in an email that the company fired the workers after an investigation revealed violations. He also cited a photograph on Twitter that shows the store's employees allowing media representatives inside the store for interviews, in which some of the employees were unmasked. Mr. Borges said, "That is a clear policy violation, not to mention the lack of masks. He also mentioned that among other violations, the employees opened a locked door at the store and allowed unauthorized individuals inside the store after it had closed. He added that one employee had opened a store safe when they were not authorized to do so and another employee had failed to step in to prevent this. 

Source: The New York Times 

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