Nearly 74 million essential workers at high risk for COVID in the U.S.

Nov 10, 2020



Corona has been the leading cause of problems since March and when it was declared a national crisis. With no vaccine and rising cases, things don't seem to be good. Especially for essential workers. A new study shows that as many as 74 million essential workers and their families are at increased ...

Women poised to take top jobs in Joe Biden’s cabinet

Nov 10, 2020



The country got a new president and a vice-president. Any step and action that is taken by the new president Joe Biden, will attract some support and some criticism. What's interesting to know is that Joe Biden is preparing to appoint a record number of women to senior roles in his cabinet after he ...

The unexpected boom in startups

Nov 10, 2020



The country is trying to get back on its feet after the horror show the virus unleashed on the globe. There's an interesting trend to notice here though. Despite the rising number of cases and people losing jobs, there's also a rising trend of startups. Some are also calling it a startup boom. The ...

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