Blue Collar Jobs Report Shows Positive Growth

Dec 14, 2020



The overall job market might have not been as one would have anticipated, but there is some positive news for people in construction, manufacturing, and mining, and logging. Blue-collar jobs saw a rise of about 0.53% growth in comparison to the previous month, with construction jobs rising by .99%, ...

Near-zero emissions industrial emissions would create 5 million jobs.

Dec 14, 2020



There's been a lot of discussions going around clean energy and looking for ways to reduce emissions across the country and the globe. If a recent analysis is to be believed, 7 common-sense policies that avoid wasted energy, transition to clean fuels, and reduce industrial sector emissions could bo ...

WFH can outlast COVID

Dec 14, 2020



Remote work is not a new concept and people are well aware and have been doing that for a long time. However, with the virus gripping the world in its clutches, way more companies had to adopt WFH. Even companies who weren't equipped to handle it at this point had to go remote to keep going. Howeve ...

Another Amazon Go station in downtown Seattle

Dec 14, 2020



The eCommerce and tech giant has managed to increase its revenue to a huge extent with the lockdown and restrictions compelling a lot of people to make purchases online. The company had first forayed into the convenience store space in January 2018, starting it in Amazon Tower. Since then, they hav ...

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Are 4 day work weeks the future?

Robert Owen, a Welsh textile mill owner, social reformer, and labor activist came up with a slogan ...

Here Is How to Answer These 5 Tricky HR Questions

During an interview, you’re not only asked questions according to your credibility and qualificatio ...

Know the Work Habits of Highly Effective Employees

The employees are the most valuable assets of any organization. It’s their credibility, efficiency, ...

What Are the Costs to Consider While Planning A Recruitment Budget?

If your organization is on a hiring spree too, one of the key things to consider is the recruitment ...

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