Why it makes sense to switch industries into tech

Why it makes sense to switch industries into tech

May 27, 2020



Why it makes sense to switch industries into techThere has been a big talent crunch in the tech world as 918,000 IT jobs were unfilled in US companies over the past three months. The demand for tech workers has skyrocketed by 32%, but the supply has fallen short. From 60,300 graduates with a computer science degree, 20,000 developers and 85,000 available H-1B visas to land tech roles, there is still a bridge between talent demand and supply. Experts believe that encouraging a switch to tech careers can help solve some of these talent issues since most IT roles can be developed with the help of boot camps and online resources. The skillset can be honed, and once that is in place, careers can be switched with ease. However, a passion to back up the skill set is always required in the innovative and disruptive field of tech.https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/06/how-switching-careers-to-tech-could-solve-the-us-talent-shortage.html

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