Layoffs remain high in the US

Sep 11, 2020



As the volume of people who have been forced to seek unemployment aid is on a continuous rise, the number of people seeking aid still outnumbers those who did not seek aid in at any point of the pandemic or recession. Take a look at the details here. ...

Over half of US workers are unemployed

Sep 11, 2020



Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a recent survey revealed that over half of the US population has been left unemployed due to the pandemic itself, as well as the recession that has followed it. Read about the details here. ...

Americans splurging on Labor Day is great for the economy

Sep 11, 2020



As America has a reputation of being lovers of consumerism, this habit may actually help save the economy and promote faster job market recovery. This is evident from the Labor Day weekend sales where people spent big bucks on retail and leisure services. Read about why this is good news here. ...

Adjusting the actual unemployment rate

Sep 11, 2020



Economists and analysts who have been studying the economy religiously predict that the real unemployment rate is probably still at 11 per cent. This would be that the unemployment crisis is still as bad as the post-second world war era. Take a look at why experts have made this prediction, read th ...

How to spend a gap year

Sep 11, 2020



As job seekers are entering the worst job market in history, many young graduates are thinking of taking a gap year until things go back to some level of normalcy. If you are also considering this route, here are a few ways in which you can spend a gap year in the US. Read about the details here. ...

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