Amazon is overstaffed?

May 08, 2022



So far Amazon has not given any official statement that it will be laying off people, experts believe that it is unlikely that they will. Its warehouses typically experience more than 100% turnover in a given year mostly because of the strenuous working conditions. This current scenario is the pola ...

Amazon fights union vote

Apr 10, 2022



Last week, in a monumental vote driven by the ALU, workers from Amazon's Staten Island warehouse voted to join the union marking the first successful vote to unionize an Amazon warehouse in the US. Labor lawyers believe that the company which was strongly against unionization is filing these object ...

White House labor taskforce to boost union memberships

Oct 07, 2021



Vice President Kamala Harris and Labor Secretary Marty Walsh are set to hold a second White House meeting on Thursday with the labor task force, a group of cabinet secretaries and top aides that focus on boosting union memberships in the country. The group will be discussing recommendations on a re ...

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