Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin accused of toxic culture & safety issues

Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin accused of toxic culture & safety issues

Oct 01, 2021



Former employees of Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos' rocket company say that the company has had multiple issues with sexism and intolerance towards employees who contradict their bosses about safety concerns. The claims were put forward in an essay by 21 employees and former employees and published on the website Lioness. Only one former employee has identified herself. These claims include sexual harassment charges against company executives and also mentioned that there are safety concerns about New Shepard, the vehicle that flew Bezps and three passengers to space earlier in July. 

"In the opinion of an engineer who signed the essay, Blue Origin has been lucky that nothing has happened so far", the essay writers said. They also added that many of the authors of the essay say they would not fly on a Blue Origin vehicle. A spokesperson for the company said that they do not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind and that they will promptly investigate any form of misconduct. 

Source: The New York Times 

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