Restaurants turn to robots amidst worker shortage

Restaurants turn to robots amidst worker shortage

Oct 20, 2021



When many states relaxed covid restrictions and gave restaurants the green flag to reopen, owners were enthusiastic about resuscitating their businesses that were on life-support until then. However, coaxing workers back to their jobs was no easy task. With the labor shortage looming over the country, it became harder for restaurants to continue operating. Carlos Gazitua, owner and chief executive of a restaurant chain in Florida says, "It was a crisis. We couldn’t find anyone." Even after a job fair in May with restaurant and hotel owners that offered more than 1,000 jobs, the situation was disastrous. “We had 40 employers and only four people showed up!", Mr. Gazitua adds. 

In the face of similar situations, many restaurant owners have turned to robotics. Mr, Gazitua brought the Servi robot into one of his restaurants in July. These robots use camera and laser sensors to carry plates from the kitchen to the tables and cost $999 a month, including installation and support. A growing number of restaurants have found their solutions in robotics during the labor shortage. The leisure and hospitality industry saw a 50 percent drop in employment in 2020, a dip of 8.3 million workers. That is by far the worst shock to the industry on record, dating back to the Great Depression.

Source: The New York Times 

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