72% unvaccinated workers say they would quit if ordered to get the vaccine

72% unvaccinated workers say they would quit if ordered to get the vaccine

Oct 29, 2021



A large number of unvaccinated workers say that they would quit their jobs if they were to be ordered by employers to get the vaccine. This is in light of the new upcoming federal rules to battle the covid 19 pandemic. According to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 32% of unvaccinated workers admitted that they'd quit their jobs if forced to get the vaccine or get tested weekly. 72% of unvaccinated workers said they would leave their jobs if the employers implements the vaccine mandate and does not offer testing facilities. 

The Biden administration has meanwhile been crafting workplace safety rules that require all businesses with more than 100 employees to mandate the vaccines for their employees or frequently test workers. This rule would affect about 80 million US workers or two-thirds of all workers in the country. If the surveyed workers do act on their decisions, it would lead to somewhere between 5% to 9% of workers leaving their jobs, depending on what type of rules they might face. However, all unvaccinated workers who responded they would leave might not follow through with it. Liz Hamel, vice president and director of public opinion and survey research at KFF says, "What people say in a survey, and what they would do when faced with loss of a job can be two different things."

Source: CNN

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