Pinterest to spend $50 million to resolve discrimination allegations

Pinterest to spend $50 million to resolve discrimination allegations

Nov 26, 2021



Pinterest pledged $50 million to overhaul its corporate culture and to promote diversity as part of an effort to resolve discrimination allegations against women and people of color, according to court documents and statements from the plaintiffs and the company.

The settlement was announced on Wednesday by the general treasurer of Rhode Island, Seth Magaziner, who acts on behalf of the Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island and other Pinterest shareholders who sued the company known for its colorful virtual pinboards. The shareholders had accused Pinterest's board of directors of failing to respond to a culture of discrimination and retaliation against women and people of color. The shareholders argued that by failing to respond, the company allowed discrimination to continue the board failed to act in the best interests of stockholders.

The allegations against the company came to light when two Black female members Pinterest's public policy team  Ifeoma Ozoma and Aerica Shimizu Banks, publicly criticized the company’s treatment of employees, according to court documents. Under the settlement, an audit committee of the board will oversee changes and create equal opportunities for the employees. The changes also require that a board member act as a co-sponsor with the chief executive on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, according to the plaintiff’s legal team. This settlement also releases former employees from non-disclosure agreements. 

Source: The New York Times 

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