Walmart to test self-driving delivery service with Ford and Argo
Walmart has teamed up with Ford and its driving affiliate Argo AI to test home delivery of groceries and other items by self-driving cars in three cities. The service will be limited to a few areas in the beginning and is set to begin in Miami, Washington, and Austin, Texas. Argo on Wednesday said in a statement that they will expand the service with time. As of now, the service will begin with half a dozen vehicles with Argo's technology with two trained test drivers in the cars for safety.
Bryan Salesky, founder, and chief executive of Argo said that they are currently focusing on bringing the service out to urban areas where consumer demands are high. He added that working with Walmart and Ford over three sectors would also help them showcase the great potential of self-driving cars for delivery services. Ford and Argo have also formed alliances with Lyft to over self-driving cars for ride-hail services.
Source: The New York Times
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