Massachusetts State Police officers resign over vaccine mandate

Massachusetts State Police officers resign over vaccine mandate

Sep 28, 2021



According to a union with 1,800 officers, dozens of State Police officers in Massachusetts have submitted the paperwork for their resignation as a response to the governor's vaccine mandate. Michael Cherven, president of the State Police Association of Massachusetts said that dozens of troopers have already submitted resignations and some of them plan on returning to other departments that would offer reasonable alternatives like wearing masks and regular testing. He also added that the State Police are already understaffed and have moved officers from specialty units that investigate homicides, terrorism, computer crimes, arson to uniformed patrol. 

Governor Charlie Baker's order on the vaccine mandate comes into effect from October 17th and is applicable for all executive department employees, including state troopers and state officials. It requires employees to produce proof of vaccination and if they don't, they could be "subject to disciplinary action" or even fired. 

Source: CBS News 

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