Employees have the upper hand?

Employees have the upper hand?

Sep 07, 2021



When it comes to labor and employment, at any given point in time employers are the ones benefitting more than their employees. Work techniques and practices wouldn't even be implemented if they caused loss to employers. However, for the first time in forever, we have news about workers who are benefiting from the pandemic and the current labor market. This story comes from Keith Lane of Missouri who is one among the many workers who are taking advantage of the tight US labor market. Lane who used to work at the McAlister's Deli at the Springfield-Branson National Airport took a job at Springfield's Dominos outlet which reportedly paid much better. Within 6 months Lane was promoted which allowed him to purchase a new car.

He was able to pull extra shifts and receive overtime pay because they were available to meet the growing demand. This is the case with many workers whose base salary increased due to labor shortage. Experts say that for the first time employees seem to be having the upper hand in the situation. 

Source: Business Insider

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