TSA Recruitment
The Transport Security Administration (TSA) is hosting several recruitment events, their aim is to provide detailed information about the hiring process for security officers to work at Charlottesville Albermarle and Shenandoah Valley airports.
TSA is conducting staffing recruitment tables for those interested in opportunities to learn about the roles of a TSA agent. Individuals who become TSA agents at Charlottesville and Shenandoah will be offered a hiring bonus of $1000. New hires will receive $500 at the start of their employment and an additional $500 at the first anniversary of their employment. TSA officers screen thousands of people every day to ensure safe travels to their destinations. Constant efforts are being made toward hiring new talent because according to TSA officials, they are expecting to screen a higher volume of travelers regularly this summer and need extra help to support their goal.
The openings at Charlottesville Airport are for full-time as well as part-time roles, with a starting salary of $18.59 per hour while Shenandoah is offering $16.90 per hour.
Source: CBS 19 NEWS
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