FedEx Driver dumps over 400 packages into a ravine

FedEx Driver dumps over 400 packages into a ravine

FedEx is responsible for transporting and delivering thousands of packages to their respectful owners, especially during the holiday season, they act as unofficial Santas while delivering goods. However, FedEx does confess that every year some packages get lost among the crowd and eventually forgotten. 

To the surprise of Blount County Sheriff Mark Moon, he reported working to find more than 400 FedEx packages dumped in a ravine in Alabama. The officials have named this case the "FedEx Debacle", Moon described on Facebook that the mass poverty theft affects hundreds of residents in and out of Blount County. It was later discovered that a FedEx driver took up to six trips last month to dump the packages. The motive of the driver is not clear as of now. 

The driver has been questioned by authorities and fired by FedEx. The company also put out a statement saying it regrets the inconvenience caused and is working on rectifying and resending the packages. This issue, like many others, can be linked to the labor shortage in America. Mail carriers and shipping companies are currently in the midst of the holiday rush which is, even more, overwhelming this year because of the lack of staff. This means that the existing delivery personnel is overburdened with deliveries. The same incident occurred with the US Postal Service last year when multiple packages got lost. Pictures and videos posted on Facebook show various FedEx trucks coming to the scene to pick up the wet and dismantled packages, some even beyond repair. Although FedEx promises to deliver the packages, sorting through them seems like an endless process and a lost cause for some. Multiple FedEx workers were seen coming out on Thanksgiving to sort through the mess. 

Source: The Washington Post

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