2 teens electrocuted in Alabama: Workplace accident

2 teens electrocuted in Alabama: Workplace accident

Two 19-year-old teens were electrocuted on the job in Alabama and OSHA officials believe that the incident could have been prevented if the North Carolina company had taken necessary precautions and safety measures. 

 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration sector under the US Labor Department has cited Pike Electric LLC after the employer "failed to train workers to competently recognize electrical hazards and know the required safety procedures to address the existing hazards." The company was also accused of not taking proper steps before allowing the apprentices to repair power lines and not having adequate first-aid measures or trained crew members on hand when the teens were electrocuted. Federal officials are asking Pike LLC to pay $43,506 as a fine for the alleged damages. 

According to the Labor Department, the teens were asked to repair a 7,200-volt electric distribution line in Adger, Alabama when the incident occurred. Further investigation revealed that their employer could have prevented the tragedy by ensuring that safety protocols were followed and adequate training and supervision were provided. Labor Department stats prove that over 126 electricity-related work deaths occurred in 2020 and many electricians start out as apprentices. Pike LLC has 15 days from the date of the citation to pay the fine or meet with an OSHA official.

Source: Al.com Alabama

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