Utah Women run pocket knife business

Utah Women run pocket knife business

Oct 14, 2021



Brighten Blades is a business started by Diane Craver along with her three daughters, Kimi Jensen, Kristy McClellan, and Katie Mecham. These Utah-based women started their business of designing and selling pocket knives for women in August 2021. 

Diane believes that just by painting a knife pink you cannot cater to women, as someone who previously worked in the knife industry for almost 20 years, Diane realized that there is a lack of women-centric knives in the market. Although she can use her husband's knife which basically represents standard knives available, it does not have the right grip and feels different. The blades created by them are inspired by words such as "hope" and "resilience" and they have unique patterns and designs, they are also much for comfortable to wield. Full-size knives are provided with a zip-up case that can easily fit inside a glove compartment or purse. Most women do not always carry a purse with them but they mostly have their keys on them therefore, Brighten Blades also create small size knives that can be attached as keychains. The size of the pocket knife was especially important because women's clothing tends to have smaller pockets. They come in multiple these such as hope, dream, love, laugh, happiness, resilience, peace, brave, etc. Craver has connections within the industry which helps them connect with individuals, Jensen is responsible for sales while McClellan and  Mecham handle design and promotion respectively, therefore all the members bring something different to the table. 

Source: The Salt Lake Tribune


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