Robots a solution to labor shortage?

Robots a solution to labor shortage?

Oct 26, 2021



Although restaurants are opening back up, they are facing an acute shortage of employees. As the number of customers keeps increasing, these eateries had to look at non-conservative solutions in order to stay in business. 

One such solution is a robot. Inspire Brands Innovative Centre in Atlanta has come up with Flippy the robot. Flippy made by Miso Robotics was initially used just for flipping burgers but now it fries wings and much more. These robots can be seen in use in places such as CaliBurger and WhiteCastle. Robots named Flippy 1 and Flippy 2 have been in development for five years. The model that can fry wings is being used at Inspire's Buffalo Wild Wings in an attempt to ramp up production speed. Its usage is said to be full-scale by 2022. The SVP of Restaurant operations and innovations at Inspire said that the robots are meant to increase capacity and reduce the time taken to serve the customers. However with the acute labor shortage right now, this can provide a viable solution. 

Miso Robotics' Flippy 2 is said to cover one of the busiest and urgently required statins within a restaurant, the fry station. 

Source: CNBC

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