University employees fired for asking students if they are vaccinated

University employees fired for asking students if they are vaccinated

Oct 06, 2021



Student services coordinator Bruce Hogh and his colleague counselor Karen Corwin were effectively fired from their positions at the Texas Academy of Leadership and Humanities, Lamar University. This move occurred after Hogh handed a blue slip of paper to the students returning back to their dorms in August, the slip asked if they were vaccinated against the coronavirus or not. Barring a few, most students said that they had been vaccinated. Relived with the outcome Hogh shared the results of the survey with the dean in an attempt to reassure him regarding starting the new semester. However, the reaction of the dean was everything but that. Soon after the executive board of the University called Hogh and Corwin and they were terminated without any further discussion. 

Talking to The Post Hogh and Corwin said that they act as de facto parents for all the students who live in the dorms, the pint of asking for their vaccination information was so that they can be prepared in case there is an emergency that would require them to answer questions about a students' vaccination to a doctor. Texas is one of the many states in The United States where Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has banned the government mandate of vaccines, this leads the employees to believe that the decision to fire them was political. Texas is also an at-will state where employers can fire employees without a substantial reason. Corwin and Hodge also noted that the students did not have any problem disclosing this information and it was done in the same light as getting vaccination information about other diseases. The University already asks the students to provide proof of prevention against infections like bacterial meningitis. 

Source: The Washington Post 

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