Ontario is hiring 4000+ long-term care workers

Ontario is hiring 4000+ long-term care workers

Oct 08, 2021



As part of the government's plan to improve assistance for seniors, Ontario has announced that it will be hiring more than 4000 long-term care workers this year. By the end of March, a total of 4050 workers will be hired by the government. The hiring spree comes as a part of the increased funding for the sector that will help meet the target of providing three hours of direct care to long-term care residents. Rod Phillips, Minister of Long-Term Care said, "I announced that our government will be providing up to $270 million to long-term care homes across the province. This funding also supports an increase of direct care provided by allied health professionals, such as physiotherapists and social workers, by 20% over two years.” 

Philips also added that the goal is to provide four hours long care to residents by 2025 with a legislation to be introduced this fall to make the 4-hour duration standard for residents. 

Source: SHRM

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