Biden administration asks to focus on finding better jobs rather than fixate on benefits

Biden administration asks to focus on finding better jobs rather than fixate on benefits

Sep 14, 2021



The emergency unemployment benefits end this month adding to the anxiety of many unemployed Americans, 7.5 million to be precise. Biden's move to end the benefits is something that Is criticized by many including his own aides who believe this move will endanger many Americans who are still out of work. 

Biden's view is however a lot more serene. There have been numerous studies conducted to see if employment benefits are prohibiting people from getting employed. It is believed that these benefits make people complacent and comfortable, therefore they are not showing much enthusiasm in seeking a job. The benefits were suspended in an attempt to urge people to get employed. This theory is supported by the job boom that the United States is currently experiencing. Therefore, we concentrate on better jobs rather than better job benefits. There is however a lot more gray area to this claim. Another prominent angle is that the benefits allow people to have a backup plan. Prior to the benefits, unemployed Americans were forced to say yes to any sort of employment opportunity that comes their way in order to have a source of livelihood, thus limiting their power of choice.  However, since the benefits for the first time workers have the power to decline job offers and say "no thanks" to offers that do not satisfy them. Those supporting the benefits bring out an important point that if unemployment benefits are making people "lazy" then why have the states that revoked the benefits not experienced a sudden boom in employment?

Source: The Washington Post

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