Nationwide bus driver shortage in schools

Nationwide bus driver shortage in schools

Sep 17, 2021



More than half of school districts in America complain of a driver shortage. Many describe this as a severe and desperate shortage according to a nationwide survey. A large number of drivers retired during the pandemic and some discontinue work due to the fear of coming into contact with the virus. The National Guard personnel were deployed to drive buses in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania is now considering the same. 

The situation is the same in Baltimore where drivers are quitting in large numbers. Lynette Washington, chief operations officer of Baltimore City Public Schools said that she receives a call about a driver quitting every minute. She added that they had to inform families last minute that a bus wouldn't come to pick their child up in the morning and this was a hassle for many. In addition to this already existing crisis, to become a bus driver, one requires a commercial driver's license that takes months of training. As a result, the shortage could last till the end of the school year.

Source: CBS News 

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