Back to Work schedule: Flexibility vs Hybrid

Back to Work schedule: Flexibility vs Hybrid

Sep 22, 2021



The United States is gearing up to put the summer behind and head back to work, schools are re-opening and employees are filling into office spaces. Companies have carefully curated hybrid schedules to suit the workers, however, is that what they really want?  Experts believe that employees are valuing flexibility over Hybrid. 

A hybrid schedule is one in which employees can divide their working days between physically coming to the office and work from home.  Working remotely can include home, cafes, bookstore, parks basically any place according to the employee's comfort. The catch is that the company decides the days during which the employee has to come to work or work remotely. After creating and managing self-appointed schedules for so long, employees are not keen on working on strict hybrid schedules created by the company. This led workplace experts and CHRO's (Chief Human Resource Officer) to realize that what workers actually need is flexibility. Although this proposition might seem like the company has "to allow the workers to do whatever they want" it's not that different from the hybrid system. All the flexibility system asks is to allow the employees to decide which days to work remotely and which to work from the office. This might seem like an insignificant change but researchers believe that it would add much more flexibility to the worker's lives and benefit the overall productivity. 

Source: CNBC

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