Emergency declared in New York amid staffing shortage prompted by vaccine resisters

Emergency declared in New York amid staffing shortage prompted by vaccine resisters

Sep 29, 2021



Thousands of healthcare workers have likely refused a covid 19 vaccine in New York as a state requirement came into effect on Monday. This mass refusal is seen as a preview of the resistance that awaits the Biden administration's vaccine mandate across the country. This mass resistance to the vaccine could also mean that several healthcare workers could face dismissals or unpaid leaves from work which could worsen the already existing labor and staffing shortage in the medical sector. The Biden administration has however carried forward with their vaccine mandate that would apply to a larger group of workers, effectively anyone who works at a firm with more than 100 employees. The resistance in New York could be a sign of a bigger confrontation from other parts of the country in the coming weeks as the administration rolls out the new policies. 

In face of the staffing shortage in New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed an order on Monday to offer certain temporary changes to the state's rules to allow healthcare workers from other states and countries to come work in New York. In anticipation of many unvaccinated healthcare workers leaving their jobs, private sector healthcare facilities have cut back on their services to allow the already overstretched workforce to focus on essential services.

Source: The Washington Post 

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