Automation increases during the pandemic putting human jobs at stake
The conversation around using automation although pre-existing increased its pace when customers at the Arby's drive-through in LA were greeted by Tori, an AI interface that takes your beef sandwich orders. Amir Siddiqi installed Tori at the Arby's franchise owned by his family in Ontario, California.
Talking about the benefits of the AI voice, Siddiqi said that the system doesn't take sick leave and does not get affected by the pandemic, making it more reliable. Companies started automating at the beginning of 2020 when the pandemic took heat in the US. Labor shortage and fear among workers forced employers to automated maximum activities to avoid a standstill. The previous research shows that such waves of automation eventually create more jobs than it wipes out however, what needs to be taken into consideration is that these new employment opportunities cater to people with a higher level of skills or a niche understanding. This way lesser-skilled workers lose their jobs, such workers form a considerably large population of the American economy and their unemployment will create a dent in it. Automation can allow employers to re-arrange their workforce, allowing the employees to do much more interesting work, therefore eventually with proper training automation can be incorporated without significant job loss.
Source: AP News
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