Job openings hit an all-time-high; 9 million still jobless.

Job openings hit an all-time-high; 9 million still jobless.

Sep 09, 2021



According to latest government data, American businesses have been hiring at historic rates with 11 million job openings by July. However a massive 9 million remain unemployed in the country collecting unemployment aid till Labor Day. Businesses still struggle to find employees to wait tables, take orders and drive buses. While the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) data shows a high number of openings in the country, economists say that the unemployed are not being matched to the jobs available. 

Some business owners and governors blame the unemployment benefits for keeping the workers away from jobs. In their opinion, too many workers opted to avail the benefits rather than seek out jobs. However, studies show that the states who cut down unemployment benefits early did not see an improvement in the condition either. This suggests that other factors like a shift in priorities and the rise in the Delta variant rates also have a play in the situation.

Source: CBS News 

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