Lifeguards are suing their union

Lifeguards are suing their union

May 22, 2022



In a turn of events, state-employed lifeguards are suing their union, alleging that the organization is compelling employees to remain members and pay dues against their wishes. The union is also pushing the members to file a class-action lawsuit, even after losing a federal appeal recently. 

The lawsuit has more than 20 named plaintiffs employed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation, including lifeguards at Huntington Beach, Bolsa Chica, Crystal Cove, and San Clemente State Beaches. All of them claim that they were deceived and coerced into joining the union, denied fair representation, and shut down when they tried to resign. A complaint was filed in January with the US District Court against the California State Law Enforcement Assn and State controller Betty Yee. Attorneys claim that the workers' 1st Amendment rights were infringed when they weren't allowed to withdraw from the union and have dues deducted from their paychecks. 

"Just as it is unconstitutional for the state to require employees to fund the Democratic party, it's unconstitutional for the state to require employees to pay union dues against their will," said attorney William Messenger, who works with the nonprofit National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. Messenger is working on the case pro bono. 

Source: LA Times/ Daily Pilot

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