County employees to work extra at hospitals burdened by COVID-19

County employees to work extra at hospitals burdened by COVID-19

The healthcare system is in dire need of staff now more than ever, this is a prevalent condition throughout the country and the situation is no different in Georgia. Georgia county has entered negotiation with its health care workers to work extra at the local hospital which is overburdened by the pandemic. Gorden county commissioners are set to enter a deal that allows county employees to work at AdventHealth Gorden when they are not working for the county. AdventHealth Gorden has agreed to pay the employees extra for the same. According to County Administrator Jim Ledbetter, local firefighters and other law enforcement employees have expressed their interest in volunteering.

Those who chose to participate will be vaccinated before their first shift. AdventHealth has a maximum capacity of 69 but is at the moment stretched over a hundred, this led to the county's interference in lending a helping hand. The county employees who will work for the hospital need to have at least a 12-hour rest between the county shifts and their hospital shifts. All the volunteers will be supervised by the hospital staff. The volunteers will help with a number of functions such as restocking and maintaining supplies, making sure people who enter are wearing masks, and regulate security and panic caused by the pandemic.

Source: U.S.News  

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