Facebook employees pleaded to regulate content

Facebook employees pleaded to regulate content

Oct 26, 2021



Facebook has been under investigation since one of its former employees turned a whistleblower regarding the involvement of Facebook in many world events. Latest internal communications documents suggest that the employees of the Silicon Valley giant had repeatedly asked the heads to regulate the content posted by politicians and celebrities but executives allowed this to continue. 

Facebook has since the beginning maintained the stance that it is a neutral platform. However, employees have attested to the fact that the company allowed right-wing candidates and members to break the rules and regulations set to monitor harmful and disruptive content and post as they wish. This was after the conservatives accused the platform of bias. An internal memo circulated among the employees before the 2020 presidential elections confirm the author of the memo saying "director-level employees" had "written internally that they would prefer to formally exclude political considerations from the decision-making process". Another note shows how employees have suggested setting up a "firewall" around the content moderation team so that posts don't get put up or taken down due to external political pressure. It has also come to light that Facebook's public policy team shut down decisions to take down posts that would harm certain political actors. 

Source: Financial Times

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