A ray of hope for the US job market

Jun 09, 2020



According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) monthly report which was released last Friday, the US unemployment rate fell to 13.3 per cent in the month of May. This is a good sign for the millions of people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic and are in dire need of employment. The fall wa ...

Unanticipated fall in US unemployment rallies markets

Jun 09, 2020



While our unemployment rates are still dismally low, indicating that we must proceed with caution, there is a bit of good news because around 2.5 million jobs were added to the US job market in the month of May. The unemployment rate swiftly fell to 13.3 per cent, which has led to a surge in stocks ...

40% of jobs added in May were part-time

Jun 09, 2020



The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced on Friday that the US labour market is recovering after the bashing it took in March and April. After losing millions of jobs, the month of May witnessed a surge in the jobs added. The number of people working part-time and full-time rose by 3.8 millio ...

COVID-19 fears loom as the economy reopens

Jun 09, 2020



COVID-19 cases are multiplying rapidly as hospitalizations are increasing in California and the US Southwest, which has triggered Arizona to reactivate its emergency plan for medical facilities. California will be placing a watchlist on counties which houses half its population. As stay at home ord ...

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In the United States of America to operate any type of large automobile, you need a license. This i ...

Are 4 day work weeks the future?

Robert Owen, a Welsh textile mill owner, social reformer, and labor activist came up with a slogan ...

Let's Talk about the Hustle Economy

With the COVID-19 outbreak, it has increased manifold, owing to the rise in remote working. It’s be ...

Is It Time For Recruiters To Think Like Marketers?

About 46% of recruiters acknowledge this by seeing recruitment more as marketing than an expansion ...

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