Southwest Pilots Union talks about flight cancellations

Southwest Pilots Union talks about flight cancellations

Oct 13, 2021



The past few days have not been smooth for passengers who've opted to travel using Southwest Airlines. The airline has been canceling its flights consecutively for the fifth day now, 7% of flights shave been canceled as we read this. Since Friday more than 2,000 flights have been canceled. 

This has disrupted the calenders of many passengers as they chose whether to wait for another flight or look at alternate means of transport. The cancelations started soon after the pilots union started pulling out due to the vaccine mandate, multiple pilots are said to have taken a sick leave of absence. Capt. Casey Murray, President of the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association said that blaming the pilots is just a way of pointing fingers, he is certain that the sick leaves taken by the pilots are not causing the flight cancellations as the rate is the same as it had been all summer. 

Capt. Murray says that the poor internal working of the company is what is causing the delay, the pilots and other staff have been complaining about this inadequacy for four years now. If there is a slight IT snag or some other internal issue then the flights get canceled stalling multiple people including the pilots. Although the airlines did not directly comment on the matter, like many employees they also have been complaining of a staffing shortage, which has been aggravated by the vaccine mandate. 

Source: CBS News

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