Buffalo Starbucks workers seek to unionize, corporate allegedly retaliates

Buffalo Starbucks workers seek to unionize, corporate allegedly retaliates

Oct 19, 2021



Workers at Starbucks' Buffalo store files a petition to conduct union elections to elect representatives, this move if it works will be the first time large businesses like Starbucks will have a union. 

A long-term employee Michelle Eisen says that during her tenure she has endured multiple instances of workplace stress such as understaffing, inadequate attention to training, high turnover, and so on. However, the duress of management was evident when the employees filed a petition to conduct elections to form a union. As retaliation, corporate sent two additional "support managers" who worked on the floor along with the baristas. Eisen believes that this was done to scrutinize every move made by the employees. They are under a lot of work stress as it is and they do not need someone breathing down their necks at all times. The managers aim to undermine support for the union according to other employees. 

A Starbucks spokesperson said that the new managers, additional staff, etc are all part of the company process. They will also be shutting down some stores for training purposes. Contrary to popular belief, this is not done to curb the unionization talks and as an intimidation tactic. Allegedly, all the board members and partners had concerns that were addressed by taking this action. Starbucks has in total 9000 outlets and this is the first time that talks of unionization have occurred in any of them, officials believe that this is owing to the sudden surge in strikes and union activities within the country. National Labor Relations Board states that union elections are to be conducted in a safe and secure environment where the workers do not feel pressured. 

Source: The New York Times

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