Sony PlayStation sued for wrongful termination

Sony PlayStation sued for wrongful termination

Nov 25, 2021



The former IT Security Analyst of PlayStation Emma Majo is seeking court approval to "expand her effort into a class action on behalf of women who've worked for PlayStation in the past few years." Majo who was recently fired by the company sued them for wrongful termination claiming that the company fired her after she decided to expose the gender discrimination that was prevalent within the organization. 

According to Majo's lawsuit "Sony discriminates against female employees, including those who are female and those who identify as female, in compensation and promotion and subjects them to a work culture predominated by men." She also said that multiple women at the company did not get promoted at the same rate as their male counterparts. Sony PlayStation is just the next on the list of video game companies getting sued during the past few years for their treatment of female employees. This news comes at the heels of "Call of Duty" maker Activision being slapped with a similar lawsuit and their CEO has been asked to resign by protesting employees. PlayStation Chief Jim Ryan even sent out an e-mail blast condemning the acts of Activision, saying how he found it shocking that such deep-seated issues were left unresolved by the company, he even said the response by Activision was inadequate. 

Multiple women who work in the game development sector are now coming with their own stories of gender discrimination at work. In 2018 women of LA-based company Riot Games also filed a class-action lawsuit alleging gender discrimination. 

Source: Business Insider

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