1 million workers applied for jobs at Amazon
Amazon on Friday said that 1 million people from around the world applied for jobs during their recruitment event held in September. The hiring spree comes after Amazon's announcement that it would be hiring 125,000 warehouse and transportation workers in the US with a minimum wage of $18 per hour. The company also announced that it has openings for 40,000 corporate tech roles along with the warehouse and transportation job roles adding up to a total of 165,000 openings. Amazon has so far received 500,000 applications for openings in the US during its career day.
The company's expansion comes in the midst of a staffing shortage and businesses struggling to fill in 11 million job openings. With the end of the federal jobless benefits, more workers are pushed into the job market seeking work. Beth Galetti, Amazon's senior vice president of People Experience and Technology said that the company is paying close attention to trends in the workforce.
Source: CBS News
The company's expansion comes in the midst of a staffing shortage and businesses struggling to fill in 11 million job openings. With the end of the federal jobless benefits, more workers are pushed into the job market seeking work. Beth Galetti, Amazon's senior vice president of People Experience and Technology said that the company is paying close attention to trends in the workforce.
Source: CBS News
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