Federal vs County, who wins the employment rights case?

Federal vs County, who wins the employment rights case?

May 02, 2022



The US Department of Justice has reached a settlement in a civil complaint against Virginia County and the state's retirement system over the employment rights of a Virginia Army National Gaurd. 

According to the complaint, the federal govt alleged that Guard Maj. Mark Gunn had been a detective at the Prince George County Police Department for 14 years when he was called to active duty in January 2016. Allegedly when he returned back from active duty, the county forbid him from resuming his detective position and offered him a patrol officer post instead. The county also denied Gunn employment benefits that he is entitled to during his active-duty service including a bonus. The county's actions led Gunn to leave his police department job and return to active duty with the Gaurd. 

Justice Department just released the news that his rights were guaranteed under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994. Gunn will receive credit from Virginia Retirement System for the time from when he left the police department to when he began drawing retirement benefits. He will also receive $3000 in damages. 

Source: Washington Post

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