No more workplace immigration raids

No more workplace immigration raids

The Biden administration's announcement came on Tuesday that it would not conduct mass arrests of undocumented workers during enforcement operations at US businesses. This is a reversal from the Trump administration's policies and is also a signal to immigrants that they are not priorities for deportation. Such arrests, also known as "work-site raids" were criticized by immigration advocates for spreading fear and for dissuading workers from reporting labor violations out of concerns that they would be arrested or deported. So far, these raids have not been a fixture during the Biden administration. 

The new policy change arrives in the face of a labor shortage in the country fueled by the coronavirus pandemic and ensures undocumented workers that they are safe and won't be deported. Alejandro N. Mayorkas, homeland security secretary said in a statement that the enforcement efforts at worksites would now focus on “unscrupulous employers who exploit unauthorized workers, conduct illegal activities or impose unsafe working conditions.” The new strategy adopted also reflects the softer approach the Biden administration has taken towards immigration policies. 

Source: The New York Times 
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